(Yaaseen) 36 : 17
وَمَا عَلَيْنَا إِلَّا الْبَلَاغُ الْمُبِينُ

“We have no responsibility except manifest warning”.

The responsibility of Messengers, prophets, and believers is to convey the Lord’s Message, Adhikr, as explained in verse 2:119. Every human is given the freedom to be either grateful or ungrateful, as told in verse 76:3. If a person is guided by utilizing Adhikr, the benefit is to themselves; if they go astray, the loss is also theirs. The Messenger is not a custodian of anyone, as explained in verse 10:108. It is told in verse 13:40 that the duty of the Messenger is to convey the Message, while reckoning is upon Us. See explanation 5:67; 7:40.